Monday, August 26, 2013

Module 6: Practicum and Graduation

After a grueling 12 weeks of intensive training, students were asked to teach free, open to the public classes
as practice.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Module 6: Professionalism

As we transitioned from intro to teaching and into professionalism, we began discussing the issues facing the yoga world today.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Module 5 continued...

As we continued to discuss the details of teaching yoga, we began to integrate our prior lessons. We had the opportunity to discuss the philosophy of teaching yoga specifically with Adri's teacher Wanda. We discussed the various components, observational, intellectual, emotional, and educational, that go into teaching a class.

Students also had the opportunity to see in what ways Adri and Wanda are the same, and in what ways they are very different teachers. We discussed how the same foundations may manifest differently in each individual teacher, and how we can best use our own personal teaching perspective to form our teaching voice.